CAREFUL is a digital health platform that enables visibility, accountability and collaboration as patients move through different care settings and interact with different care-givers.The platform provides hospitals, clinicians and multidisciplinary teams with a constantly updated, holistic view of every patient’s STATUS and a TASK-BASED plan of care, to ensure their safe and frictionless movement throughout their health journey.Available on mobile, tablet and desktop, CAREFUL is designed to complement existing HIS/EPR systems and replace manual, paper-based systems or messaging apps with a future-focused communication tool.By enriching the patient’s record and current status with a forward view, CAREFUL makes instantly visible the answers three critical questions:What is happening now?What is happening next?Who is responsible?By clarifying TASK and RESPONSIBILITY, every patient is assigned a forward-looking care plan showing who is responsible for each action and by when. This creates single-point accountability within clinical teams. CAREFUL then supports users to send, receive and share responsibility for patient care during peer-to-peer handover, internal referrals between teams, and event through discharges and transfers of are.CAREFUL provides a configurable STATUS to show where the patient is in their journey allowing leaders and managers to monitor the flow of patients.By bringing together all the critical patient information into one visible, modern, mobile and easy-to-use platform CAREFUL benefits everyone:Clinicians have up-to-date information on their patients. They waste less time on handover and referrals and speed communication and decision-makingOrganisations rapidly generate a clear view of patient status and flow, freeing-up resources, reducing unnecessary delays and improving efficienciesPatient safety and outcomes are improved because nothing is lost or forgotten.We believe that CAREFUL can radically transform the productivity of staff across healthcare globally.